Rune Sayer

by Arjen de Klerk


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RuneSayer cast Runes and read about Past, Present and Future.After shaking to randomize the Runes, you are able to choose three of them. By touching each of the selected Stones, you will get the name of the Rune, its meaning, and a reading.
The majority of the Runes have what is called 'merkstaves', they can come up reversed, changing the meaning. The three-Rune spread is called a Norns Reading, the Norns beingthose ancient creatures that spin, weave, cut, the fabric of Fate.
In order to cast Runes for so many different people in different situations,the outcome had to become general in character. Cast and turn and read and take from it what fits. But RuneSayer is mostly meant for your pleasure.And to get you thinking.
RuneSayer is not meant as a 'what to do today or tomorrow' manual. Continue to use your own common sense. Just have fun and let us know what you think !
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